Pick up Sticks

Pick up Sticks

Friday, June 25, 2010

Backyard Roomate Camping

We brought a pipe.
Two pipes, one for each us.

We brought some chocolate milk.
Two chocolate milks, one for each of us.

We spread a tarp because the grass was wet.
Or at least we expected it to get wet.
Thats what grass does to innocent outside sleepers.

We unzipped our sleeping bags most of the way.
It was too warm outside for enclosed feet.
But too cool for outclosed torso.

We talked about serious stuff.
The stuff you talk about at sleep overs.
We laughed about hilarious stuff.

I woke up when the sun woke up.
That time is around five o'clock.
Ants and spiders running laps on my pillow.
Grass clippings glued to my arm and face.

Raspberries for breakfast.

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