Pick up Sticks

Pick up Sticks

Monday, December 28, 2009

"That" guy

I want to read Crime and Punishment. I really do. You may see me strutting around with the novel tucked neatly into my elbow and assume I am carrying it just so it will be seen. So that the world will know I am well-read. Unfortunately, In some instances you would be correct! There is a certain social high gained by reading books that only the elite would read. But this (for the moment) is different. I wish that I would read more solid books. Books that take me a while to read. Books that have a higher vocabulary than I. Good books. So when you see me walking past the library with a smirk on my face, feel free to judge me. Just do it gently, knowing that I am trying.

I spend about 75% of my time wishing I would do something more productive.(The connection here is that sometimes I wish to read books.)

"Finish that song" or "Write that stupid paper!" one side of my mind tells me. The other side says,"but being on facebook is so much more fun."

"Yeah but once you stop wasting time and do something else, you won't regret it."
"I won't regret it."
"Yes you will!"

And then things get quiet, and I spend three hours completing absolutely nothing. Gahhh, my mind is out to get me. In other news, I have reformed my resolution to this: I shall blog every day during my break. There, that's a little more manageable. I know that one day I will forget to do this and I will lose all motivation. But that day is not today!

There is a Fountain Filled With Blood- William Cowper


  1. my principal gave me crime and punishment when i was in 8th or 9th grade, but i stopped reading it a few chapters in because it depressed me. lemme know how it goes as a not-fourteen-year-old.

    (there is a fountain filled with blood -- the welcome wagon)

  2. haha so true about wanting to do so much but then not doing anything, that is actually what i am doing now by reading blogs. i had a list of things to do over break but instead i have watched many movies.
