Pick up Sticks

Pick up Sticks

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Letter to Summer

Dear Summer,

We are separated by a great span of time. Math tests, many cups of coffee, and unwritten songs concerning your brother spring stand between us. Do not despair. I love and care about you the most. Please do not misunderstand me for I do enjoy my time here on the Mountain. For I do like it here, here with winter. But dearest, you have been on my mind. Just yesterday I picked up "Tom Sawyer" which I hope you will remember we read together last year. I started thinking about your coffee shops and your picnics and your friends that live with you. Your bare feet, your frisbee, your giddy songs, your bonfires, your family, your walks around town, your books, your simple foods, your movies in the park, your buzzing city.

I can barely stand this time in between.


P.s. I will listen to "15 step" every day that we are apart.


  1. Love this post.

    Summer is the place in my mind that I can go to, that brings great happiness.

    and is the food here simpler? or are summer foods simpler?

  2. Hmmm...actually I guess summertime food is generally more colorful and bright in taste. (Like watermelon!) But whenever I think about summer food, I think about grilled cheese and ants on a log topped off with a glass of milk. That is all i need.

  3. I can't wait for summer either!
    I am sad that we are supposed to be getting snow tomorrow!!
    so this makes me want summer even MORE!

    plus i get to see you and robbie and peter!

    ps. spring break is coming soon! what dates are you going to be home?
