Pick up Sticks

Pick up Sticks

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"The Begining of Sigur Ros" or "The End of The Horse and His Boy"

Glosoli. Hippipolla. Saeglopur. It is total gibberish to me (and sometimes everyone else in the world)but for this band it doesn't matter. It is beautiful stuff. Please check out the mumbling wonder called Sigur Ros. Also check out, courtesy of Miss Vanbiber, these first two mentioned songs on youtube. It is some of the most victorious and beautiful music videos you will ever see. I think this is the band I have been looking for.

In other equally exciting news, The Horse and His Boy has been conquered! For those who do not know, a few dedicated Narnia fans meet (almost) every school night at eleven to read the Chronicles. It is probably the most wonderful thing I can think of. Let me express my feelings in an equation:

Childhood Nostalgia+ Adventure Stories - The lack of seeing friends= Joy

Last night we concluded the tale and celebrated by taking a group picture.
I will provide a link once it surfaces on the interwebnet.com's. Three down, Four to go.

P.s. Music selection- Did you not check out Sigur Ros? Come on.


  1. C.S. Lewis once described the world as the "divine, magical, terrifying and ecstatic reality in which we all live." That's what Sigur Ros encapsulates. I'm so glad you are drinking them in. :)

    I just finished The Horse and His Boy for my assignment and am starting on Prince Caspian!! :) Is that y'all's next?

  2. You speak the truth! Concerning both Sigur Ros and that we are reading Prince Caspian next. Sounds like you are having multitudes and multitudes of fun in Europe. Vampire Weekend in London? What the heck!

  3. Stephen, I must correct your spelling. It's "nostalgia". Sorry. Everything else is good.
