Pick up Sticks

Pick up Sticks

Friday, February 26, 2010

A poem from "Now We Are Six" and a list of Childrens Books

A Thought

If I were John and John was me
I'd be six and he'd be three
If John was me and I was John
I shouldn't have these trousers on

-A.A. Milne

Good books intended for children are simply the best. I hope my children read these:

The Chronicles of Narnia
Little House on the Prarie
Blueberries for Sal
Homer Price
Whinnie the Pooh
Now We Are Six
The Hobbit

The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out To Get Us- Sufjan


  1. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE!!!!! AHHH!!! I think that's what I'm doing my SIP on.....

    I've NEVER read Blueberries for Sal, but Kate was talking about it this morning. Now I want to.

    I would have to add (for little girls):

    The Secret Garden
    A Little Princess


  2. Yes for "The Secret Garden." I have never heard of "A Little Princess" before... I want to read your SIP!.. next year.

  3. Homer Price. Yes.
